5 Tips on How to Write a Blog Post

Hey again! Writing blog posts is something that seems easy and quick; however, not all posts come to mind as fluidly. Therefore, I’ve come up with a simple list of things to do to write up an engaging blog post that sounds and looks natural from the start.

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1. Decide what to write about

It could be anything you want it to be. There’s plenty of posts already out there, inspiring bloggers on topics to write about. Make sure it’s something you’re passionate about, as the more natural the post comes across, the more people will be reading it.

2. Draft the post

Make a list of things to include. I usually do bullet points of what I need to mention in each paragraph and outline the entire post before I start writing it.

3. Decide on title – make it captivating

Make it worth clicking. What I’ve found in the past is that posts that mention ‘How To’ or posts that include tips on something are those that get the most reads and engagement.

4. Take good pictures and place them well

An eye-catching photo will definitely make your post stand out from the rest.

Whenever I see a post with a good picture, I instantly click on it regardless of whether or not I’m interested in the content. I guess that makes me a person that judges a book by its cover first – oops. But it works!

3. Link to other blogposts

Simply for SEO purposes, linking back to your other blogposts will generate more traffic to your blog. It might also make your reader become a follower as they will have seen other posts worth reading.

Tip: Always make sure your links open in new tabs, just so your blog doesn’t get lost.

4. Mention other blogs / resources

Again, for SEO purposes, adding links to other blogs and resources will help bring readers to your blog. It will also make your post a lot more engaging as it’ll include additional content (which you didn’t even have to stress about writing!).

5. Stick to the point

For whatever thing you’re writing about, just make sure you don’t go overboard on the personal chatter. If a post is too long with big paragraphs that waver on about a topic for too long, I personally tend to get distracted and stop reading.

So by sticking to the point you make your post relevant and exciting, as it keeps in line with what you’re writing and you don’t waffle.

And there we have it! The 5 easy steps to write a blog post. Let me know how you guys come up with your posts and if there’s any steps you take when writing it up!


12 responses to “5 Tips on How to Write a Blog Post”

  1. These are some great tips! Thanks for sharing!


  2. Thank you! You reminded us to a few essential points here, truly. It’s important to be concise and clear at all times.


  3. Great tip about sticking to the point. It’s hard to read rambling posts. I think it’s important to make posts scannable. Pretty much no one reads the whole thing these days it seems like. 🤷‍♀️

    Liked by 1 person

  4. These are such great tips for writing a blog post! Thanks so much for sharing!


  5. Get a SEO and title plugins so you can make your post as attractive as possible for social media and seaech engines


  6. Great tips! I personally love longer chatty posts but I guess that’s a personal preference. But I do agree about sticking to the point to some extent, you don’t want to ramble about a totally unrelated subject. Most of my posts are already drafted in my head before I type them up x


  7. Good tips here – definitely agree about the power of a good picture for encouraging clicks!


  8. Really good tips! Will definitely start using these. Thanks for sharing:)


  9. These are some great tips!


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