Why save the bees?

Photo by mum. Bees at Mayfield Lavender Farm.
Photo by mum. Bees at Mayfield Lavender Farm.

A vast majority of bees are disappearing. So, why the fuss?

Bees are very important little creatures. They are responsible for pollinating a third of the world’s crops such as fruit and vegetables. Without them, we’ll begin to notice a massive decline in foods – honey will no longer be available. Prices of products will also rise dramatically, as there won’t be enough supply.

Around 90% of wild flowers and plants are also pollinated by bees; they provide nectar and pollen throughout the year. Without the bees, plants will struggle to reproduce and the fruits from which many animals and insects depend on will also struggle to survive.

What’s killing them?

For a while, the reason for their disappearance was deemed a mystery. But now, three obvious factors have been named the cause of this.

  1. Insecticides 

The use of insecticides seriously affects bees. They hinder their memory, their flower and nest recognition abilities as well as their navigation skills. Their immune system is also affected as bees become more vulnerable to diseases and parasites.

2.  Global warming 

Due to the rise in temperatures, flowers and other plants are blooming much earlier and therefore affecting the natural synchronisation between bees and plant life cycles.

3.  Habitat loss

The destruction of their natural habitat poses a danger to bees. The increasing need of more agricultural land means the destruction of our countryside, forests, woodlands, fields and hedgerows which are vital for not just bees, but other pollinators as well as animals too. Bee colonies have also deteriorated due to the changes in the agricultural techniques due to the demand for increased food production, and have led to two types of bee species to become extinct in the UK.

What can we do to help?

  1. Learn more about them

Kew Gardens have an amazing exhibition going on called The Hive, which gives us an insight into the secret life of bees. The structure is made to highlight the importance of pollinators. Inside the structure you can hear a buzzing vibration going all around, and this is to represent bees communicating with each other inside a hive. Bee vibrations are important as it can help predict when a loss of bees from a swarm is about to occur.

Photo by mum. The Hive at Kew Garden.
Photo by mum. The Hive at Kew Garden.
The Hive is 17 metres tall and weighs 40 tonnes.
The Hive is 17 metres tall and weighs 40 tonnes.

2.   Support organic produce

Visit Farmer’s Markets and buy fruit and vegetables which have been grown organically. There are many markets like these across the UK and many of these also sell honey. Buying local honey also helps bees as they are not produced by large production companies who undervalue the importance of bees.

3.   Have a bee-friendly garden

Attract these wonderful creatures rather than reject them. Plant wild flowers and let some weeds flourish, as these are also wild flowers and a source of food for bees.

There are seasonal wild flowers that will help bees pollinate as well as make your garden or window boxes look pretty. And since we’re in Autumn, I thought I’d give you some examples of these (recommended by Kew):


  • Ivy and hebes.


  • Mahonia shrubs and cyclamen.


  • Primroses, pussy willow and crocuses.


  • Lavender and daises.

“To the bee, a flower is the fountain of life, and to the flower, the bee is a messenger of love.” – Kahlil Gibran.

4.  And finally, spread the word!

Raise awareness by telling a friend about the dangers bees face everyday and of the things they can do to help. Talk about it on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook etc., and protect these amazing buzzing creatures.

I’d love to hear what you guys do to help bees.

Laila xo

16 responses to “Why save the bees?”

  1. Really good informative post – it is quite worrying the effect of declining bees! We need them so badly!


    1. Thank you lovely. They’re so small yet incredibly important. We really do need them! xo


  2. I found it really interesting as I didn’t know that bees were this important. I definitely will be more cautious of them and will do my best to save them xox


  3. It makes me happy to see people bringing awareness to an important issue! Great post xx

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Aww a lovely post, I love bees too. They are currently enjoying our purple hebes but will try and ensure I plant some of the other recommended plants. Always wanted to visit The Hive too, pics look amazing 🙂


    The Life of a Social Butterfly Home Page

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What's Katie Doing? Avatar
    What’s Katie Doing?

    Great post – it doesn’t seem so important that a few bees aren’t around until you realise the knock on impact to the global food production, then its scary! We can’t continue to disrupt the natural environment around us in this way and not expect knock on impacts.


    Liked by 1 person

  6. What a great educational post about bees! I love the fact that you didn’t just address the situation, you also gave ways in which she can help solve it. I’ll definitely take your tips on board! Thanks so much for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Thanks for informing me on this – I have never really taken into account the importance of bees – but now I know!

    Florence | https://beyondimagination12.blogspot.co.uk/


    1. Thank you, Florence. I’m so glad this post has helped! x


  8. This is such an amazing idea because the bees are so important. I also went to visit the hive and it was so cool. Thanks for sharing x

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Back home, I have two bee nests just under my windows. Even with the window open they never get in. I know how important they are for the environment, nature and life as a whole so yeah, defo reasons to save them! coz that would save us too!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Creative Nails Avatar
    Creative Nails

    Great post – very informative! I heard there was a decline in the bees, it’s sad to hear as they are so important. The Hive looks like such an interesting place to visit!


    Liked by 1 person

  11. Some incredible images!!



  12. love to read such an informative post regarding the world! 🙂 earth needs more people like you!! x


  13. Such an important and informative post, everyone needs to be a little more like you!


  14. Not many people write about this topic, love it!


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